Work packages

The project work program is organized into six work packages:

Work package 1: Management, coordination and communication

The overall objectives of WP1 are twofold: i) to provide coordination and administration of the project; ii) to ensure communication and dissemination of the results. In detail, the activities of the WP include:

  • development of an organizational system with a platform for sharing information between team members;
  • regular monthly meetings on work packages and package managers;
  • control of the implementation of the plan and updating of the work program in accordance with the development of the individual activities;
  • development of a project website;

Work package 2: Hydrological risks and climate change

The overall objective of WP2 is to reveal the processes and phenomena related to hydrological risks and provide a research basis to ensure indicators, models, and methods for the WRES assessment. To achieve this, the sub-objectives are:

  • Analysis of the state of research in the context of the priorities, methods for evaluation, and mapping of WRES;
  • Analysis of the links between hydrological risks, climate change and WRES
  • Application of models for ecosystem assessment and mapping of hydrological risk-related services
  • Application of models for ecosystem assessment and mapping of hydrological risk-related services
  • Development of approaches for the needs of ecosystem accounts
  • Development of methodological guidelines for the assessment of ecosystem condition and mapping of hydrological-risk related ecosystem services.

Work package 3: Water quality

The overall objective of WP3 is to reveal the processes and phenomena related to water quality and provide a research basis to ensure indicators, models, and methods for the WRES assessment. To achieve this, the sub-objectives are:

  • Review of the regulations for water quality assessment;
  • Collection of existing information for the selected indicators;
  • Assessment of the current condition of surface water quality in the pilot basin in the context of the WRES;
  • Field data collection to supplement the available information.

Work package 4:Typology, mapping and ecosystems scope

The overall objective of WP4 is to develop a spatial basis for the mapping of ecosystems. To achieve this, the sub-objectives are:

  • Review and analysis of the state of the art (analysis of methodologies and world experience;
  • Development of a spatial scale for ecosystems mapping;
  • Linking to existing classifications;
  • Testing in selected case studies;
  • Development of methodological guidelines.

Work package 5: Ecosystem services

The overall objective of WP5 is to develop and facilitate a stakeholder process throughout the project and the creation of a European network to facilitate a dialogue among relevant communities. To achieve this, the sub-objectives are:

  • Review and analysis of the current state;
  • Development of an integrated approach for ecosystems condition assessment:
  • Development of an integrated approach for WRES assessment;
  • Approaches to adapting to the needs of ecosystem accounts;
  • Testing in the case study areas;
  • Development of a methodological frame.

Work package 6: Information and communication platform

The overall objective of WP6 is to develop an information and communication platform, which provides on the one hand geoinformation provision for the other project activities, and on the other hand, functions as a web portal for communication with potential users of the project results. To achieve this, the sub-objectives are:

  • Study and analysis of the state-of-the-art;
  • Selection and processing of the data for WRES mapping and evaluation;
  • Development of a unified geodatabase for WRES mapping;
  • Development of a web-based application to support decision-making related to the valuation of WRES;
  • Development of a web-based integrated open-source platform for visualization of ES data and information.